Know Yourself

How many of you can put your hands on your heart and proclaim that you know yourself? How many of you allow your inner wisdom to guide you through life? How many of you are absolutely sure of yourselves, that you do not shy away from taking any and all responsibility for every decision you make? Well, you are not alone if any or all your answers to these questions were in the negative.

Building a relationship with yourself is extremely important. It helps you live a more intentional, inspired life. It also helps you truly live, and not just survive. You learn to embrace and enjoy life.

While you begin your journey of connecting with yourself, there are a whole lot of different ways to get the guidance you need, that incidentally, uses your own energy, derived from your birthday, and your intentions to give you the answers to your questions, so that you can make more informed choices

What is Numerology & Tarot Reading?

Numerology has been around since the dawn of time. The digits of your name and birthdate hold in them the secrets of your own mythology. They hold answers to burning questions within you and give you a clear path forward. They give you an overview of your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can use them to propel your life ahead. They give you an insight into your inner needs, your innate talents, and how to navigate through your unique obstacles. Numerology is a beautiful tool that you can use to support your endeavors and unravel your authentic self.

Tarot is a way to gain insight and advice from a layout of Tarot cards. Tarot readings are not fortune-telling, these cards can help you gain a deeper understanding of your innermost thoughts and feelings, providing you with a heightened awareness of your own inner wisdom.

Know Yourself Services

Numerology & Tarot

To Understand Yourself Better

Numerology & Tarot To Understand Yourself Better

Often, we forget to trust our potential and investigate the depths of our own magnificence. That leads to us not living our best lives.



Lo-Shu is an ancient practice to optimize your space be it your home, or your office, to work with and for you.

Book A Session

Book A Session

Schedule a consultation session with me and let's do the art of transformation together.

Numerology & Tarot To Understand Yourself Better

Numerology allows you a sneak peak, a reminder that you are an amazing being, and you are so capable of living your best life with all the cards that life has dealt for you. This session will be an insight into you – yourself and your life.

Tarot, numerology, and astrology work in tandem with each other, and as you uncover what drives you, you may have questions about your life, your goals, your career, your health, and your relationships, and this session will give you the guidance you need.


Lo-Shu is an ancient practice to optimize your space be it your home, or your office, to work with and for you. It uses numbers, directions, and elements, to ascertain the energy of the space, and using easy techniques you will be able to enhance the space. Lo-Shu does not require any major structural changes.