3 sessions

Healing Hard Emotions

Human beings don’t know how to process emotions, and in the bargain, they suppress those emotions. Suppressed emotions get stored in the body and manifest themselves as dis-ease. In these sessions we work towards delving into the core of the unprocessed emotions and unlocking them, only to let them go. We use a combination of meditations and MTHS for these sessions.


45 Minutes to 1 Hour per session


Virtual video



Heal Yourself Services

Healing Holistically

Healing Holistically

These sessions start with a consultation, to find out where your pain points are, and then, we will use MTHS to heal and ease your issues.

Healing For Procrastination Or Stuckness

Healing For Procrastination Or Stuckness

Let’s call this MTHS-driven session, a little nudge of love, that will motivate you to move ahead, and feel “unstuck”.

Healing Limiting Beliefs

Healing Limiting Beliefs

Frequently, we find ourselves in a furrow that is self-created and self-imposed.

Lunar Healings

Lunar Healings

Every Full Moon and New Moon will be accompanied by collective lunar healing.

Healing Hard Emotions

Healing Hard Emotions

Suppressed emotions get stored in the body and manifest themselves as a dis-ease.

Daily Cleanse

Daily Cleanse

Healing is most effective when it is done intentionally, and regularly.

Healing for Balance

Healing for Balance

Finding balance in life is essential, and that requires us to be selective in our expenditure of resources.

Book A Session

Book A Session

Schedule a consultation session with me and let's do the art of transformation together.

About Heal Yourself
Merlin Trinity Healing System (MTHS)?

The moment you decide to break free from your suffering and ask for help the journey of healing begins. Most of us live our lives in a fight-or-flight mode, which is not our core nature. Bliss is our core nature, and along the way, we seem to have forgotten that. Living in the fight-or-flight mode, puts a lot of pressure on us, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, as we stop trusting – ourselves and the world around us, and as the doubt creeps in, the quality of our response to life, decreases.

Healing entails acceptance, forgiveness, connection, and the will to let go of who you think you are to embrace who you truly are. As you loosen up, look at your blessings, and allow yourself to feel, life responds, and you see a massive difference in yourself and the world around you. You begin to notice the subtle nature of your being, and as you go deeper, you realize that there is so much more to life than suffering, pain, and confusion. You expand, and so does your world.

“A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself”. -Maryam Hasnaa

“We are vibrational beings that attract, in our outer world, a similar match to our inner vibration, and therefore, the more love we put into our system, the better life shows up in our manifest world!” – Mark A Karlsson

This healing system awakens the user to higher levels of consciousness and more love with regular use. Using universal love and infinite intelligence, it brings the body to wholeness physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It was founded in July 2000 by Mark A Karlsson and has evolved over the years to the five-tiered system we now have. I have had the honor to learn this beautiful system from Mark himself, and it’s humbling that I can share it with all of you.