About Me

Welcome to my website!

When I think back to what I must account for in my life, I realize, I have let most of my life just happen to me. Before you define in your mind what that means, let me explain. This isn’t positive or negative, it just is.

I was born in a town called Edison in New Jersey, and as life ordained it, I moved to India at the age of two and grew up there.

Once I finished my schooling and went on to do my B.A. honors in English Literature, I was always enamored by art, history, culture, and of course, storytelling. I was aiming to be a journalist. And then, life happened, and I won a scholarship to study Fashion Merchandising and Marketing, so I went on to do that.

Once I finished my course, I started a boutique for women’s wear clothing, and a few years later, married my childhood sweetheart — it displaced me yet again, and I found something new. I worked as a merchandiser for a home linen company for a very short while, before I moved again, and picked up a media job — all of which I thoroughly enjoyed.

And then, life ordained again, and exactly 32 years after I first left, unplanned, I moved to Edison, New Jersey again!

It was here that I slowed down, I felt lost and confused, the ups and downs of life had brought me to a juncture where I had to find myself again.

A botched attempt at fertility treatments had me at my lowest point, and brought back a swirl of emotions I didn’t know I had buried within me. I didn’t know how to pick up the scattered pieces, but life sprinkled its magic again. I met one of my first teachers, a healer, who opened my world to new ideas.

I was so intrigued by how my sessions with her went, that it drove me to learn, I wanted to get to the bottom of how this worked, and why I felt the way that I did, when the skeptic in me thought, it wasn’t supposed to feel right.

I started with meditation and learning Reiki, and that opened so many more avenues for me. I was so excited about each thing that unfolded. I learned MTHS, and a little bit of Ayurveda, I am in the process of getting my Yoga Teachers Training Certificate, I learned tapping or the EFT technique, tarot, esoteric and Vedic astrology, numerology, Sujok, and Lo Shu. It doesn’t end here; I will remain a student for the rest of my life.

Now, there’s this tug within me, to put myself out there, and share this space with you, so we can evolve together.

I am looking forward to more of life’s ordinances because as of today, I am grateful for every single big, small, good, bad event in my life, that worked perfectly to bring me right here.

It all makes perfect sense.


“What is meant to be yours will find you through any excuse.
My heart, understand that there is nothing in your control.
You just swirl (let it go)”


-Hasrat Mohani


The Great Rumi once said, “You have within you more love than you can ever understand.”

This is the most profound yet most forgotten attribute of us human beings. At the risk of sounding like a cheesy romantic (which quite frankly, I am :D), love can move mountains. It is true. But unfortunately, the world we live in today has a one-dimensional perspective to love.

The only way we look at love is as being in love with a lover. But love in its entirety can truly transform us. If we give ourselves even a little more love than we already do, our own perspective on life and our immediate world will change, our relationships will transform, and our work will flourish — this creates a ripple effect.

When we come into a state of love, we become love, and in doing so we can truly manifest the life we need.

But loving yourself starts with healing yourself and getting yourself together. And I am not just saying this, I believe this is true, as I began to see myself in better light only after I acknowledged my pain and allowed myself to heal. Healing urges us to lean in, level up, and at times, battle until we break through to the other side of our pain and emotions.

On the path of healing:

● You allow for the acceptance of the situation instead of pushing it away.
● You are brave enough to feel your emotions to work through them.
● You learn to manage and accept your fears.
● You begin to see the brighter things in life and embrace the spirit of gratitude.
● You transform from within and evolve into your true self.
● You find yourself enjoying life.
● You are not afraid of anything that life will throw at you, because it’s life, it will.

Healing yourself also helps you connect with yourself, and truly know yourself, embracing all that you are, and making room to be all that you want to be.

At Alcheme we are for love and always full of love, where you are the priority – The idea is to connect with yourself, heal, love, and evolve – leaving all that doesn’t serve you with love.