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By the dictionary, alchemy is a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. ALCHEME ‘s philosophy is wholly based on this magical process of transformation happening for YOU. So that you can evolve into yourself and find your most authentic loving self. So, you can become who you were always meant to be, and who you aspire to be.


Heal Yourself
Healing Holistically For Limiting Beliefs For Hard Emotions For Balance For Procrastination Lunar Healings Daily Cleanse


Heal Yourself

The moment you decide to break free from your suffering and ask for help the journey of healing begins. Most of us live our lives in a fight-or-flight mode, which is not our core nature. Bliss is our core nature, and along the way, we seem to have forgotten that. Living in the fight-or-flight mode, puts a lot of pressure on us, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, as we stop trusting – ourselves and the world around us, and as the doubt creeps in, the quality of our response to life, decreases.

Healing entails acceptance, forgiveness, connection, and the will to let go of who you think you are to embrace who you truly are. As you loosen up, look at your blessings, and allow yourself to feel, life responds, and you see a massive difference in yourself and the world around you. You begin to notice the subtle nature of your being, and as you go deeper, you realize that there is so much more to life than suffering, pain, and confusion. You expand, and so does your world.

“A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself”. -Maryam Hasnaa

Healing Hard Emotions

3 sessions

Suppressed emotions get stored in the body and manifest themselves as a dis-ease.

Healing For Procrastination Or Stuckness

3 session

Let’s call this MTHS-driven session, a little nudge of love, that will motivate you to move ahead, and feel “unstuck”.

Healing Holistically

5 sessions

To find out where your pain points are, and then, we will use MTHS to heal and ease your issues.

Healing Limiting Beliefs

3 sessions

Frequently, we find ourselves in a furrow that is self-created and self-imposed.

Lunar Healings

Mini Healing Session

Every Full Moon and New Moon will be accompanied by collective lunar healing.

Healing for Balance

3 sessions

Finding balance in life is essential, and that requires us to be selective in our expenditure of resources.

Daily Cleanse

A Healing Subscription

Healing is most effective when it is done intentionally, and regularly.

Numerology & Tarot To Understand Yourself Better

Virtual Video

The numerology session will explore how figures can benefit us & how to tackle any issues.

Tarot readings offer self-reflection & guidance, not predictions. Accessible to all, not just fortune-telling.


 Virtual Video + Written Report

Lo-Shu is an ancient practice to optimize your space be it your home, or your office, to work with and for you.

Know Yourself

How many of you can put your hands on your heart and proclaim that you know yourself? How many of you allow your inner wisdom to guide you through life? How many of you are absolutely sure of yourselves, that you do not shy away from taking any and all responsibility for every decision you make? Well, you are not alone if any or all your answers to these questions were in the negative.

Building a relationship with yourself is extremely important. It helps you live a more intentional, inspired life. It also helps you truly live, and not just survive. You learn to embrace and enjoy life.

While you begin your journey of connecting with yourself, there are a whole lot of different ways to get the guidance you need, that incidentally, uses your own energy, derived from your birthday, and your intentions to give you the answers to your questions, so that you can make more informed choices

Heal Know Yourself

Art of Transformation

Our Philosophy

The Great Rumi said we have more love within than we understand. Unfortunately, our world today takes a one-dimensional view of love. But it is true that love can move mountains. Love can truly transform us. If we give ourselves more love, our perspective, relationships and work will flourish, creating a ripple effect. When we come into a state of love, we become love, and can manifest the life we need. Loving yourself starts with healing and getting yourself together. I experienced this firsthand only after I allowed myself to heal from my pain. Healing requires us to battle our inner pain and emotions until we make it to the other side.

About Me

I started with meditation and learning Reiki, and that opened so many more avenues for me. I was so excited about each thing that unfolded. I learned MTHS, and a little bit of Ayurveda, I am in the process of getting my Yoga Teachers Training Certificate, I learned tapping or the EFT technique, tarot, esoteric and Vedic astrology, numerology, Sujok, and Lo Shu. It doesn’t end here; I will remain a student for the rest of my life.

Now, there’s this tug within me, to put myself out there, and share this space with you, so we can evolve together.

I am looking forward to more of life’s ordinances because as of today, I am grateful for every single big, small, good, bad event in my life, that worked perfectly to bring me right here.  

It all makes perfect sense. 

“What is meant to be yours will find you through any excuse.

My heart, understand that there is nothing in your control.

You just swirl (let it go)”

                                                                  -Hasrat Mohani